Thursday, July 2, 2015

That's a Wrap

I can not believe it has already been a month since I closed that door!  Words can not express what an incredible journey this year has been. It was my second year as a 5th Grade teacher, after moving from K/1 which I had taught for 6 years! This group of students had such kind hearts, which is incredibly reassuring for our future.  I am already anxious for our next group to come... and can't wait to start setting up. Loving my summer break, but I do miss the munchkins.

My goals for 2015-2016-
1) I need to blog more.  I had a great 1st Grade blog, but now created this one which isn't grade specific. This way if I switch grades it doesn't matter. With learning so much new material I had to push blogging to the side for a bit... but, I'M BACAAACK!
2) My classroom WILL have more collaboration areas. This last year my students were hardly at their desk, which I love!  So, I want to offer more options on where they can go.  I am looking into some pub tables to put by our windows! :)
3) Hooks, hooks, hooks. Have you read "Teach Like a Pirate"? This book offers a ton of ideas for hooks.  I have always felt as though I did a decent job of this, but I know I can do bettter... and I WILL!

That is all for now!  Happy 4th of July week/weekend. May it be safely filled with love and laughter!

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